ACHO v1.01 - enhanced echo

Revised 3-Apr-96. Copyright (c) 1996 by Rune Berg. TextTools Freeware.

Usage - Description - Example - Options - Limitations


acho [log logfile] [option] arg [...]


acho writes, to standard output, arg ... with the following args replaced by ANSI codes:

argANSI code for
normal display
high intensity
.revreverse video
.fg=blablack foreground
.fg=redred foreground
.fg=gregreen foreground
.fg=yelyellow foreground
.fg=blublue foreground
.fg=magmagenta foreground
.fg=cyacyan foreground
.fg=whiwhite foreground
.bg=blablack background
.bg=redred background
.bg=gregreen background
.bg=yelyellow background
.bg=blublue background
.bg=magmagenta background
.bg=cyacyan background
.bg=whiwhite background
acho does not print a space between args.

If you don't specify logfile, acho writes error messages to standard error.


The command:
	acho .bg=whi .fg=red "hello world" .n

prints the one-line message "hello world" to the screen in red on white and then resets the display to normal.


-n : Don't print newline after last arg.

-v : Print version banner and usage info to standard error (or logfile, if given), then exit.

No other options are recognized. Unrecognized options are printed.


acho requires a colour display.

The ANSI.SYS driver must be loaded. If not already present, add the following line to your "config.sys" file:


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